How Christians can meaningfully observe Lent

Writing resolutions is a one of the classic things to do for reflection. (Photo by Polina Kovaleva from Pexels)

Lent is a period of spiritual preparation and reflection observed by Christians around the world. It begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts for 40 days, leading up to Easter Sunday.

During this time, most Christians choose to give up something important, while some take on new spiritual practices to deepen their relationship with God.

Going through the motions of Lent without understanding its significance can be meaningless.

This article will explore ways in which Christians can observe Lent in a meaningful and transformative way. 


According to Father Jeffrey F. Kirby, a senior contributor at Crux, Jesus urges Christians to avoid praying like hypocrites. This means that you should not pray in public just to be seen by others.

Instead, when you pray, you should focus on your relationship with God. You should not be concerned with the opinions of others.

Jesus has warned against pride, vanity, and the desire for human approval, which are exposed when Christians pray for show. He emphasizes that those who pray publicly to gain attention have already received their reward.

Increased Prayer Times

According to Exodus 90, to have a productive Lenten season, you must adopt a consistent daily practice. Doing something irregularly or once a week won't lead to a lasting habit or significant progress.

Moreover, while giving up something for Lent can be helpful, your true spiritual growth requires prayer and a focus on union with God.

Thus, increasing the amount of time you dedicate to prayer each day during Lent is essential for deepening your faith. It also allows you to experience the true benefits of the season.

(Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels)

Gratitude Journal

According to Shutterfly, gratitude journals can vary greatly among individuals. Some opt to document their daily experiences. Meanwhile, others concentrate on particular gratitude quotes.

Regardless, the key aspect is for you to choose a schedule that is suitable for your lifestyle. When selecting a gratitude journal, there are several factors you should take into consideration.

It includes whether you prefer a physical journal or a digital one, whether you intend to carry it around or keep it in one place, and whether you prefer lined or unlined pages. These aspects will help determine which journal is the most appropriate for you.

Moreover, having a clear understanding of the reason behind keeping a gratitude journal makes it easier to maintain in the long run. Gratitude journaling offers numerous advantages.

It may pertain to reduced stress levels, a heightened sense of tranquility, and a fresh outlook that allows you to identify hidden blessings. It also promotes self-discovery and encourages you to prioritize activities that bring genuine happiness.

By continuing the practice, you can focus your time and energy on the things that align with your Christian values.

Reading, Meditation

According to the Busted Halo, to enhance your experience of Sunday Mass, commit to reading the scriptures beforehand. Like how studying football players, opposing teams, and coaching strategies can increase your enjoyment of a game, becoming familiar with the readings ahead of time can deepen your understanding and appreciation of them during Mass. Instead of spending your free time streaming a show, consider reading the entire Gospel of Mark in one sitting. This Gospel is the briefest account of Jesus’ life. It also emphasizes the significance of the cross, a central symbol of Lent, more prominently than the other Gospels.

Apart from reading the Gospel, you could also read a spiritual book. According to Exodus 90, St. Benedict once mandated that every member of the monastery select a spiritual book to read. He asked that they read it from cover to cover during Lent. This practice can benefit anyone embarking on a Lenten journey, as a well-written book can provide valuable guidance. That said, consider purchasing a book of daily reflections. Afterward, keep it near your bed for easy access. Many local parishes and Christian bookstores offer these books for sale during Lent. There are also numerous options available for purchase online.

Mass Attendance

According to Exodus 90, one effective method for increasing daily prayer is to attend Mass on an extra day each week. Doing so will enable you to connect your prayer and penance to Christ.

You will also be able to spend time with him in the spiritual wilderness as you confront the challenges of Lent.

By attending Mass, you will encounter the tangible presence of Christ.

(Photo by Maya Reagan from Unsplash)


Fr. Kirby stated that the Lord Jesus instructs Christians to approach fasting with humility. He teaches Christians not to display a gloomy countenance while fasting nor to neglect our physical appearance to draw attention to our fasting practice.

(Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels)

Regular Abstinence

Lent began as a period of fasting that lasted for 40 days. While there are numerous other essential practices associated with Lent, it is crucial to modify your eating habits in some way.

According to Exodus 90, you could contemplate consuming less food each day.

You could also try abstaining from meat on more than one day a week, giving up alcohol, or fasting for a few days each week.

Getting out of Comfort Zone

Exodus 90 states that simply giving up chocolate won't make much of a difference unless you are completely addicted to it.

To truly challenge yourself and grow during Lent, consider giving up more difficult things. This may be watching too much TV or drinking alcohol.

You could also do things that push you out of your comfort zone, such as taking cold showers, regularly volunteering to serve others, and spending time during the holy hours.

Giving up vices and doing new positive and productive activities help you to make progress.

Sacrifice Dedication

According to The Mystical Humanity of Christ Publishing (TMHCP), dedicating your sacrifice to a particular person can give a deeper significance to your Lenten fast. This will also serve as a reminder to pray for that individual.

Although anyone can be the recipient of your fast, it is recommended that you select someone close to you. This "someone" may be your spouse, children, or a departed family member.

By dedicating your fast to a specific person, you can benefit yourself and the person you are praying for, reflecting Jesus' commandment to love your neighbor as yourself.

Fasting from Expenditures

Consider your regular expenses and identify an area where you tend to overspend, whether it's on clothing or dining out.

The Busted Halo stated that you should choose one type of expense that you will abstain from during Lent, such as a weekly visit to Starbucks or going out for entertainment.

(Photo by maitree rimthong from Pexels)

As you save money from this practice, collect it in a jar. Afterward, donate the accumulated amount to charity at Easter, such as Christian charities, a local soup kitchen, or directly to the homeless.


According to Fr. Kirby, when it comes to giving to those in need, Jesus teaches Christians to be humble and discreet. He warns against doing good deeds for the sake of being seen by others or seeking their approval.

Christians should not announce their charitable acts or make a show of them in front of others. Instead, you should keep our giving private, between ourselves and God.

Jesus even advises that your left hand should not know what your right hand is doing. Therefore, you should practice our almsgiving in an unpretentious way.

(Photo by Timur Weber from Pexels)

Giving without Judgement

TMHCP stated that it's common for Christians to judge the recipients of their charitable giving. One may feel the need for the poor to deserve their generosity. Sometimes, the thought arises that if one gives money to a homeless person, they may spend it on alcohol or other inappropriate things.

It does not imply that you should give without discernment or not ensure that your resources are being used wisely.

However, you should give freely. Trust that God will recognize the intention behind your gift. This is regardless of the outcome.

Support Social Causes

According to the Busted Halo, to enhance your Lenten almsgiving, choose a social issue and learn more about it. This may be on immigration, racism, the environment, or public education.

You may support an organization that works towards your chosen social cause by donating money.

Spending Time

Dedicate a weekend or an evening to volunteering. You may opt to volunteer in person. The Busted Halo stated that this might range from helping in a soup kitchen or a food pantry to working from home by offering your skills to a parish committee. Additionally, you can befriend your neighbors. Introduce yourself and invite them for dinner. You can also give food to an elderly neighbor or homeless people in your area.


According to Out Upon the Waters, simplify your life by decluttering and letting go of unnecessary possessions. This will not only improve your mental well-being but also help you break the habit of holding onto material goods

Consider donating items that you no longer need, such as clothes, shoes, or furniture, to those who could benefit from them.

(Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels)

Lent is a time for Christians to reflect, grow in faith, and draw closer to God. It is a season of sacrifice, prayer, and almsgiving that challenges you to step outside of your comfort zones and focus on what truly matters.

By incorporating some of the practices discussed in this article, you can make the most of this holy season and experience a deeper and more meaningful spiritual transformation. 


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