Patrick Henry College Chorale to perform at First Congregational Church of Marion

Patrick Henry College Chorale will have a free concert to celebrate Holy Week. Image: David Beale|Unsplash

The Patrick Henry College Chorale is set to perform a free concert at the First Congregational Church of Marion on April 5 at 7 p.m.

The 42-member mixed voice ensemble will perform for the church's special Holy Week celebration.

The Easter Week Concert

According to the FCCM community, in addition to their Easter Season Community Dinner event set on March 24, the free concert that will be held later on aims to gather the churches and residents in the area to celebrate the Holy Week through the chorale's music.

Not only can it be watched live in person, but the church will be live streaming the performance and posting a recording on their YouTube channel later.

The church also promotes the chorale and other ways to support the group.

About First Congregational Church of Marion

An active congregation since 1683 and one of the first churches that had been established, the First Congregational Church of Marion takes care of its history by working on its mission even up to the present time. 

The church also aspires to represent the compassion and multiculturalism of Marion, Massachusetts.

As mentioned, FCCM will also conduct an Easter Season Community Dinner event to gather the community for a meatless potluck dinner on March 24 at 5:30 p.m. 

About Patrick Henry College Chorale

According to Sippican Week, the Massachusetts native Rodney Appleton is the Patrick Henry College Chorale director, a touring ensemble based close to Washington, D.C. 

It began as a student organization but has since become an official course offering.

The Chorale has performed on tour throughout Europe, and Marion is now a part of their New England run. The compositions in their music span from contemporary interpretations of spirituals and folk songs to Baroque classics and medieval chants.

According to PHC, when feasible, the Chorale works with local music ensembles.

For collaborative concerts, the Chamber Orchestra and Chorale frequently work together.

The Music Department also invites schools throughout the Eastern Seaboard to play at their campus by hosting music festivals and sharing concerts each year. 

In the fall, private schools, PHC's Youth Music Academy, and other schools from the area have joined them for these performances to mentor younger students through a mutual love of choral art. 

At the end of the fall semester, it has been a tradition for the group to conduct a performance for the holiday celebrations. While in spring, the chorale also performs a concert for PHC and the community around the area.

Greatest Caliber of Musical Skill

The group is said to combine the principles of musical ministry with the greatest caliber of professional and practical musical skill. 

By holding the ensemble and its members to rigorous spiritual and musical accountability standards, they aim to reflect Christ in a cynical world. The webcasts page of the Chorale offers live streaming for many of their performances. 

The Patrick Henry College Music Department's web playlist features recordings of previous performances.

The group's audition starts at the beginning of the fall semester for interested students. In contrast, auditions at the beginning of spring can be combined with the J.S. Bach Musical Leadership Scholarship audition.

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