Green Valley Church to host tribute service to remember loved ones

Green Valley Church will host a tribute service to remember their loved ones during the pandemic. (Photo taken from the official website of Green Valley Church)

Green Valley Church will hold a tribute service on Sunday, Nov. 20, to remember those they have lost during the pandemic.

The church’s website noted that the service is also an opportunity to celebrate their hope in Jesus. 

Green Valley Church said it understands that many individuals are having trouble traveling, getting together, and celebrating. 

They explained that everyone has gone through a season of global loss. During the service, the church mentioned meeting together and recognizing their grief while commemorating their hope in Jesus.

Place for Believing, Belonging, Becoming

According to the Values Section, Green Valley Church desires to create a place where individuals can discover their faith, community, and value. 

They emphasized that they want people to find the church a place where members can believe, belong, and become who they are intended to be.

As further explained, they desire to see the church where people can talk to God in meaningful ways. They added that Green Valley Church wants to be a place where people can strengthen others as they learn to serve God. 

Overwhelming Feeling during Pandemic

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website revealed that it is incredibly overwhelming to grieve losing a loved one while dealing with fear and worries related to COVID-19. 

As further explained, healthy precautions such as social distancing, lockdowns, and home isolations have changed how people meet and grieve. The restrictions also affected holding traditional funeral services, as noted on the website. 

The website acknowledged that these limitations are valuable to lessen the spread of the virus.

In addition, CDC revealed that some individuals might suffer from various losses amidst a tragedy and large-scale emergency event. They added that a person might not be able to be with their loved one when they die due to the pandemic.

Besides, some could not have the chance to mourn someone’s death face-to-face with their friends and family. 

Other Kinds of Losses during Pandemic

Meanwhile, the same website stated that there are other kinds of loss. They indicated the loss of jobs or not making enough income. As noted on the website, some may have experienced a reduction in their support services.

The website emphasized that others have changed their lifestyle due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They explained that people could encounter these losses simultaneously, leading to a more extended grief period.

In addition, they said that these factors could delay someone’s ability to adjust, cure, and recover.

Hope in God’s Word 

According to the FamilyLife website, when people deal with grief, their emotions, race, and thinking are not fixed. They emphasized that individuals should not forget a few simple truths from the Scripture. 

They added that God will use His words to help them understand their circumstances and give them ways to hold on to their emotions. They explained that no one is prepared for death and diseases.

Moreover, they said people could not prepare for the loss of their loved ones. It is an intense emotional and stunningly final.

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