Executive Administrative Assistant

Admin & Office Full Time

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Job Qualifications

This person should be a committed Christian who displays a love for the Lord and entirely agrees with our Rockland staff’s statement of faith (see below). The person who will succeed in this role will love the work of administratively supporting those in leadership and anticipating and executing details on their behalf. This person needs to be a self-starter, an effective multi-tasker under pressure, be willing to take the initiative, and be outstanding at follow-through. They should possess excellent computer and administrative skills and be very organized. If applicable, this person (and family) must become a member of Rockland, affirming our mission, vision, values, and theology, including getting engaged in Biblical Community.


General Job Description

Provide administrative support primarily for the Lead Pastor and also the Operations Director. Manage relationships and communication between the leadership and multiple people at Rockland and the broader community as needed. Provide contact and administrative support for the Lead Pastor and Operations Director in matters related to the work of the Senior Staff, Deacons, and Elders. Oversee the organization, communication, and administration of regular meetings, special meetings, and other church events.


Specific Job Details

  1. Initiate weekly meetings with the Lead Pastor and Operations Director to review upcoming events, conferences, and “to do’s.”
  2. Attend regular meetings: Senior Staff, Staff, Outreach, and Worship
  3. Coordinate scheduling and arrangements for meetings as needed
  4. Remain current with church calendar along with room usage (Planning Center) and communicate pertinent information to Senior Staff to ensure leadership is aware of upcoming events
  • Become a “subject matter expert” for Planning Center applications (Calendar, Services, People, and Workflows)
  • Have a working knowledge of MS applications (Excel, Word, PowerPoint), with the ability to pivot to similar Mac applications
  • Assist in the development of budget projections for the senior leadership, as well creating budget expectations for office items. This would be in coordination with the Operations Director

7. Maintain procedure manual for this position

8. Assist in the planning and execution of special events as requested

9. Ensure that the church is locked and closed each weekday

10. Perform other duties as assigned, including a wide range of special projects assigned by senior leadership


11. Oversee Communications and Media:

  • Make sure the website is maintained and updated
  • Coordinate with Communication staff to set up and managing weekly emails
  • Make sure the monthly worship service handout is created, handed out, and picked up
  • Set up MailChimp for the lead pastor's email and coordinate with other writers so that the pastors are focused on writing devotional content
  • Liaison with our graphics designer for church publications
  • Coordinate communications for all church events through print and media.

- Website; Facebook & Instagram; Create Banners; PowerPoint Slides for Sundays


12. Maintain Planning Center Worship detail (templates, assignments)

13. Facilitate the process of the church’s bi-monthly publication (“Chimes”). Members create the content. This position would manage the mail-out process in coordination with the office manager

14. Import email addresses into Mail Chimp for Biweekly emails. Assist Sr. Pastor with proofreading emails and the announcements that are included in the emails


Supervisor: Lead Pastor

Time Requirement: 32 hours per week (Sunday – Thursday)

Office hours are 8:30 – 4:00, Monday-Thursday

Friday and Saturday are off-days

Sunday work hours are eight am-noon, duties vary


Coordinates With: Communications Associate, Care/Discipleship Associate, Office Administrator

Works closely with Deacon teams, Kids & Connections Pastor, Care Pastor, Graphic Design contractor


Please also review the "Rockland Statement of Faith":
Beliefs and Practices

Rockland welcomes anyone and everyone, no matter their background, beliefs, or life circumstances, to be ministered to under the care of the staff and elders. People who come here have a reasonable expectation of theological and practical unity among those in leadership. To minister most effectively, we require all elders and staff to affirm the beliefs in this document or discuss any questions before serving at Rockland, one of our pastors. This is ultimately to maintain unity and cohesion as we pursue the mission that Rockland has been called to by God.

Please review our beliefs below and sign if you agree with everything, or mark anything you would like to discuss.

What we believe
Connecting all generations to Jesus
as we stand for the Truth of the Gospel,
show God’s grace to all people,
and raise the next generation to do the same.

Statement of Faith
This church recognizes the Bible as sufficient for faith and practice and holds that living by its teachings and bearing fruit is evidence of genuine faith. (John 15:8, Gal. 5:19-26, James 1:22, Ps. 119:9, Is. 40:6-8)

We believe in
The only true God, the sovereign Creator, and Sustainer of all things exist eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14, Col 2:9, Is 44:6, John 10:30, 1 Cor 8:5-6, Matt 3:16-17, 28:19,).

The divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible in faith and practice (Ps. 119:9, 105, Is. 40:6-8, Heb. 4:12-13, 2 Tim. 3:16-17).

The full deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, who lived as a perfect example, who atoned for the sins of the world at the cross, who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as both Lord and Savior, and who will return in power and glory in the fullness of time to judge the living and the dead, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God (Col. 1:15-23, 2:9, John 1:1-18).

The true Church is composed of all persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, are united together in the body of Christ. The Church finds her visible, yet imperfect, expression where the Word of God is preached in its purity, and baptism and communion are administered in their integrity, where scriptural discipline is practiced, and where loving fellowship is maintained (Eph. 2:11-22, 1 Peter 3:18-22, Acts 2:42-47, John 3:16, Matt 18:15-20).

The value and dignity of all humankind, initially created in God’s image to live in love and holiness (Ps 139:13-16, Gen 1:27), but who became alienated from God and each other because of sin and guilt and who is justly subject to the judgment of God (Rom. 3:21-26).

The justification (being forgiven and made righteous before God) by God’s grace of all who repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation (Rom. 5:6-11). We affirm God’s offer of redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21; Rom 10:9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-11).

The ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose indwelling and transforming power enables us to live out our new life and new calling to evangelism and discipleship within the fellowship of the Church. (Jn. 3:5-6, Titus 3:2-7)

As brothers and sisters in Christ, the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, equality in race, between men and women, and age. (Gal 3:28, Gen 1:27, Rom 5:6-8).

In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity. (Eph 4:1-16, John 17:20-26, 1 Cor 1:10, Eph 4:11-14, Col 3:12-17, Psalm 133:1)

Christian Baptism
Baptism is an act of initiation into the Christian fellowship of one who, by the public declaration of faith and repentance, shall affirm belief in what God's love has done in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We also baptize children who have not yet reached the age of accountability as an act of dedication on the part of the parents to rear such children according to the teaching of Christ within a church community and trust that when such children reach the age of accountability, they will confirm this act of dedication for themselves (Acts 22:12-16, Col 2:11-15, Acts 16:25-33).

The Lord's Supper (Eucharist, Holy Communion)
The Lord’s Supper is a commemoration of the incarnation and ultimate sacrifice of Jesus. This sacrifice of Jesus is represented by the bread and wine/grape juice as Jesus’ body and blood given for all so that some will enter into covenant with God through the intercession of Jesus. This covenant is the New Covenant that Christians proclaim when they take the Lord’s Supper. This universal act of fellowship for the body of believers displays the unity we have with Christ and one another. The Lord’s Supper points us to the hopeful expectation that we have with the return of Christ when every believer from every age in history unites as one multitude to observe the wedding supper of the Lamb, our King Jesus. (Matt. 26:20-30, Mark 14:18-26, Luke 22:14-23, 1 Cor. 11:18-34)

Our Beliefs on Marriage
We believe “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture (Gen. 2:18-25). We believe that marriage between one man and one woman, for life, uniquely reflects Christ’s relationship with His Church (Eph. 5:21-33). We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ (Acts 3:19-21; Rom 10:9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-11).

Living “Above Reproach”
Ministry leaders are called to a higher standard than those who attend a church, so we ask all of our elders and staff to maintain above reproach lives. Put, being above reproach means blameless in the eyes of the ones we serve to every extent possible. We do not expect leaders to be sinless people but somewhat repentant followers of God who recognize what is sinful or unwise behavior and commit to not engaging in it.

We also expect our staff and elders not to stir up controversy over tertiary issues outside of the Christian faith. How a Christian leader conducts him or herself in the public sphere (i.e., social media platforms) while serving at Rockland should not be divisive but unifying.

We expect staff members to meet the exact expectations that we ask of our members: to join Rockland and regularly worship, connect, serve, and give.

We commit to this as a team, and ultimately the reason for this is that we are striving to win as many as possible to Christ and want to give no one cause to call the ministry of Rockland into question.

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