Macedonia Baptist Church aims to address economic, social disparities in Wellness Family Health Fair

Macedonia Baptist Church Image courtesy of Facebook

Macedonia Baptist Church, located at 1751 E. 114th Street in Los Angeles, will host a Wellness Family Health Fair on Saturday, Oct. 22, at 10 a.m.

Aims to Address Issues in Wellness Family Health Fair

The Macedonia Baptist Church will be hosting a Wellness Family Health Fair to address the economic, social, and health gaps within the Watts neighborhood. 

Alongside the food, music, and other resources offered, free vaccinations and health exams will also be available. Booths will be staffed by volunteers from the community and the hospital. They will feature educational and artistic activities for children and first aid training and employment opportunities for adults.

According to the Los Angeles Sentinel, the event, free and accessible to the general public, is being hosted by Macedonia Baptist Church and Macedonia Community Development Corporation, Charles Drew University, and Children's Hospital Los Angeles.

Rev. Dr. Shane B. Scott, Macedonia pastor and founder, said that the Watts community, like other unserved communities in the country, is frequently disregarded and ignored regarding health disparities.

Scott added that they require targeted relationships that try to communicate with the whole person. This is the goal that they want to accomplish with the Children's Hospital in Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, CHLA Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer Lara Khouri said that they recognize that stronger communities are built on the foundation of healthier families and hence have set their sights on enhancing the health of their most disadvantaged populations.

The CHLA has maintained meaningful connections with many South Los Angeles families. 

As the Los Angeles Sentinel reported, more than 61,000 distinct patients have been treated at the hospital for the past three years, and the facility has handled more than 243,000 patient visits from local community members. 

The Wellness Family Health Fair will reflect CHLA's commitment to making the hospital a safe and happy environment for young patients on their way to good health.

This commitment will be reflected by bringing activities currently taking place in the hospital to families attending the event.

About Macedonia Baptist Church

The Macedonia Baptist Church is a historic congregation that can be found in the city of Watts. The members of this church seek to love, live, and serve as Jesus did.

According to the church's Facebook page, Macedonia Baptist Church became the first Black Baptist congregation in the greater Watts area when it was established in 1908 under the leadership of Rev. Louis Stokes. 

After Rev Stokes, the church was led by Rev. Washington, Rev. A.R. Ramsey, and Rev. John Fleming, who was responsible for constructing the second sanctuary. 

In November of 2011, Rev. Shane B. Scott officially assumed pastoral leadership of Macedonia, bringing spiritual authority and a forward-looking vision with him. Prior to this, the congregation had been led by a number of different pastors.

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