Michelle Loud talks about T.D. Jakes’ daughter, Cora Jakes Coleman

Cora Jakes Coleman and Family Image courtesy of Pinterest

After a recent report, Cora Jakes Coleman's divorce and baby stealing allegations garnered comments on social media. According to an article, Michelle Loud talked about how Cora Jakes Coleman took advantage of her to adopt her child.

Amid the issue, numerous people posted their thoughts on their social media accounts. Among them is Stefanie Hall, who created content about Jakes on her YouTube channel.

Alleged Baby Stealing

Michelle Loud is the mother of the child that Cora Jakes Coleman adopted. However, Loud stated that she had an unfair justice in battling for the custody of the child. Loud believed that Jakes Coleman won custody of Jason, the child, after they paid the people who ruled the trial.

Loud shared that Jakes Coleman had a chance to take her baby when she was in distress. She suffered from depression and a lack of financing. These instances were advantages used by Jakes Coleman that led to the court trial. Loud released her statement after Jakes Coleman announced her divorce from her husband. 

The Trial

When Cora Jakes Coleman won the custody trial, allegations arose. These allegations include the payment offered to the judge. The name of the judge is Faith Johnson.

Another allegation cited against him is that he is a member of the church of the father of Jakes Coleman. Stefanie Hall dissected the issues against Jake Coleman after her further investigation.

Stefanie Hall

Stefanie Hall made her appearances on social media like TikTok and YouTube. She was one among the individuals who followed the story of Jakes Coleman.

Hall made an investigation regarding the baby stealing issue against Jakes Coleman. Then, she found that Jason was not his real name. Jakes Coleman used the name Jason because it was the name she dreamed of if she had a baby.

Other people shared their thoughts regarding the issue after Hall released her investigation on her social media platforms.

Some of the comments posted on social media were against the alleged wrongdoings of Jakes Coleman. Cora Jakes Coleman and her family addressed the negative response on social media.

The Statement of the Family

Cora Jakes Coleman and her family replied to all the comments they attained due to the issue. The family stated that they addressed the issue regarding her abusive ex-husband. It is when Cora decided to divorce her ex-husband.

Cora spoke on behalf of the family that they helped the authorities. The authorities acted adequately after the Jakes family reported the abuse. The abuser is now serving his jail time. The Jakes family also stated that the church of T.D. Jakes had no involvement in the issue.

The Megachurch

The Potter's House is a megachurch based in Dallas. The church membership grew to more than 30,000. T.D. Jakes led the church to become one of the most influential churches in the country, according to a source.

Bishop T.D. Jakes is a celebrity pastor well-known for his life-changing sermons. He is also an award-winning pastor in the United States.

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