SJV Lay Division to host workshop in honor of 'Year of St. Joseph'

St. Joseph (Credit: Via Unsplash: Michael O’Sullivan)

The Archdiocese of Denver’s theological seminary recently invited the community to celebrate the Year of St. Joseph in a “unique way.”

On Saturday, Oct. 30, the St. Joseph Vianney (SJV) Lay Division will conduct a workshop, as Denver Catholic reported. It will open an opportunity to the Catholic community to know more about Jesus’ father. 

The day-long workshop will be held at St. Thomas More Church in Centennial. It is specifically located at 8035 S Quebec Street, Englewood, CO. 

SJV Director Daniel Campbell will head the said event. As said, the ceremony will start with a Mass at 7:30 a.m, followed by three different talks to know more about St. Joseph. 

Interested participants must pay a $50 registration fee, which already includes the breakfast and lunch meal. 

The Archdiocese of Denver said that people must dedicate this year to St. Joseph. The church noted that he must serve as an example of “trust, obedience, creative courage, and protection in our own times.”

What to Expect?

As reiterated on its official event page, the upcoming worship will commemorate the Year of St. Joseph. For them, it is a way to create deeper understanding and union with the Blessed Virgin Mary’s husband. 

The workshop will also explore the different titles given to St. Joseph in the Litany St. Joseph. 

“What do these titles for Saint Joseph mean? Where do we see examples of them in Scripture?” the announcement reads. “What can we learn from these titles for Saint Joseph about our own life in Christ?” it added.

Meanwhile, the event will also reportedly feature the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The quick visit is part of the Missionary Image’s pilgrimage in Colorado for October. 

In a separate report, Denver Catholic reported that the tour had already started on Oct. 1. Now, it is expected to roam around different locations in the state, from the Cathedral Basilica of the Immaculate Conception to Colorado Springs. 

The image, currently in Denver, is one of the four Missionary Images. The Basilica Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City commissioned the holy artwork. 

All four images reportedly have the same color, size, and detail as the original garment by St. Juan Diego, which dwells in Mexico.

The report noted that the highlight of the Our Lady of Guadalupe’s visit was on Oct. 7. It was after The Cathedral Basilica celebrated a special Mass for the image on the said day. 

Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila officiated the Mass, live-streamed on the Archdiocese of Denver’s website. 

SJV Lay Division

As stated on its official website, SJV Theological Seminary Lay Division is a place for people to study, love, and share their faith. It reportedly houses the flagship programs of the Denver Catholic Biblical and Catechetical Schools.

As mentioned, the seminary has served thousands of students across the churches of the Archdiocese of Denver. It also offers enrichment courses, workshops, conferences, lecture series, and short courses. 

SJV Lay Division helps students be knowledgeable about their faith and develop a genuine love of their faith. It also aims for students to share their faith with others. 

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