Newbreak Church hosts Christmas programs for homeless

Newbreak Chruch partnered with the Alley Ministry to celebrate Christmas with the homeless in San Diego. ( (Photo taken from the official website of Newbreak Church)

Newbreak Church began a program for the homeless at The Alley on Sunday, Nov. 20, as part of its Christmas celebration. The program will run until Tuesday, Dec. 20. 

The church’s website announced that they work with The Alley to help people living on the streets feel warm and clean. They encouraged its members to check out their closets and cupboard to see lightly used warm jackets, clothing, and blankets. 

In addition, they posted that there is a box at Newbreak Ocean Beach for those who would like to give. 

Newbreak Church extended its gratefulness to its members who support its program, as noted on the website. 

About The Alley

The Alley website revealed that they started with a simple mission to help and care for others through giving gifts and tools from God. Dan Foster pioneered the organization with the heart to serve and reach out to his neighbors on the streets.

The website noted that he started to cook up hot dogs and tater tots in the alleyways of an Episcopal Church in the heart of Ocean Beach. 

Besides, the website said The Alley demonstrated their dedication to helping those in need even during the pandemic. They explained that they still prepare warm meals for those in need. 

As added on the website, they began serving food in an alley between two churches in March 2020 when the pandemic hit. They stated that all other food initiatives had stopped, so they assumed that individuals were still hungry.

Moreover, in the past two years, foster and other volunteers started to see connections and sustained people’s physical needs through food. 

The website emphasized that The Alley ministry began from a desire to meet individuals where they are. They offer a meal for those served or served by the Alley, as the website explains. 

They noted that their desire to help would remain the same. 

Feeding the Hunger in Ocean Beach

According to the organization’s homepage, The Alley seeks to feed those hungry in Ocean Beach, San Diego. They added that they desire to establish relationships in the local community suffering from homelessness continuously. 

The Alley has served dinner and shared meals to create a space to cultivate their physical and relational neighbors, as noted on the website. 

In addition, they seek to make their environment community-oriented, as further stated on the website. They want to continue serving their neighbors in San Diego who lack food. 

The Alley Initiatives

The same website posted that The Alley ministry prepares and serves meals for people who do not have enough food and homes in San Diego. The website reveals that they perform every Wednesday evening from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. 

Moreover, they pack 125 to 150 bags of food and deliver them to those living in downtown San Diego every other Saturday, stated the website. 

The same website revealed that The Alley stock the San Diego Youth Services (SDYS) food pantry every Tuesday. They offer food to girls who suffer from human trafficking, as added on the website. 

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