Family Life Minister

Ministry Full Time

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Apostles started with a small group of individuals and families who left their churches, mostly Episcopal, around 2011 to 2013. By 2014, about 12 families were worshipping together at West University. There was a strong desire to form a church that expressed the “three streams” of Anglican tradition - word, Spirit, and Sacraments. Apostles would be built upon the clear teaching of the Bible, where we celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Biblical sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

Apostles Houston is a terrific church packed full of young families. Historically, they've had close to a 1:1 ratio of kids to adults in the church. This is an excellent opportunity for a new Family Life Minister to step into a more extensive kids/student ministry while still having a family-like, small church feel.

Apostles Houston has a terrific culture of volunteering, and a vast majority of parents and church members serve on a regular rotation in the kid's ministry. While they could certainly use more volunteers, the level of support and involvement already in place will make this role a dream for a new leader to step into.

This role will heavily focus on shoring up the kid's ministry as it currently stands, but there is also a long-term vision to see the student ministry thrive. This will take a bit of creativity, but the new leader will be given plenty of autonomy to cast an eye and implement a plan to make the Apostles' ministry to families at all stages thrive.

Part of the Apostle's Houston culture is the desire for families to worship and grow together. This value - coupled with a one-service schedule on Sundays - creates a few tensions to manage in scheduling volunteers while still encouraging people to be consistently engaged in worship. A consistent rotation has proven the most effective strategy thus far. The new Family Life Minister will have plenty of support to implement practical solutions that care for the spiritual health of kids, parents, and volunteers.

The Family Life Minister will be responsible for building a healthy and thriving ministry to kids, students, and families at Apostles Houston. Based on the current demographics of the church, the role will focus more heavily on kids (nursery-4th Grade) than students (5-12 grade). However,t is undoubtedly a desire to increase the ministry's effectiveness and reach students and families with middle and high school students.


Administration (with the support of the church administrator)
Organize and oversee all programming and discipleship for children (birth-4th grade) and youth (5th-12th grade), including Sunday mornings and special events.

  • Manage children’s and youth team volunteers by recruiting, training, scheduling, and leading them.
  • Communicate with families through email, text messaging, and social media.
  • Maintain safety and security protocols for children’s and youth ministry.
  • Assist with budgeting and scheduling.
  • Attend weekly staff meetings and meet with the senior pastor each week.

Special Events
Organize and oversee church-wide special events for children and youth, including Vacation Bible School and holiday events.

Develop relationships with children and youth families in the church.

  • Maintain a strategy for reaching and assimilating new children and youth.


  • Create environments, activities, and programming for each age group to holistically facilitate and encourage spiritual growth from infancy to high school graduation.

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