Redemption Church Gilbert to collect bags, supplies for schools in need

Redemption Church Gilbert requests for donations of backpacks and school supplies for students in need. (Photo by Julia Filirovska from Pexels)

Redemption Church Gilbert is inviting its congregation and the public to donate bags and school supplies to the church. Donations will benefit students from its Title 1 School neighbors.

The church reminded that donations must be received at its Worship Center lobby on Sunday, Aug. 7. 

Back-to-School Collection 

As announced on its website, the church requests its congregation and others to help care for its Title 1 School neighbors in need. Everyone is encouraged to give to its M25/Back–to–School Collection. 

Redemption Church Gilbert requests all to drop off their donations on Sunday, August 7, in the Worship Center lobby. Those who want to donate may also drop off donations at any of the church’s M25 carts.  

The churcht provided a list of items needed for the Back–to–School Collection. Some items included in the list are girl socks – youth sizes, boy socks – youth sizes, shampoo and conditioner, pencil sharpeners, notebook dividers, and antiperspirant.

It also asks for donations of body wash, breakfast bars/snacks like granola bars, chips, goldfish, etc., backpacks with no wheels, and #2 pencils. Redemption Church Gilbert also requests donations like large glue sticks and colored pencils. 

The church specified that it will welcome donations of Crayola thin and thick markers, pens with blue or black ink, wide–ruled lined paper, wide-ruled composition notebooks, and more. 

The M25 Collection is Redemption Church’s monthly collection that answers the need of its local ministry partners. Matthew 25:35 – 36 is the inspiration for this outreach’s mission. 

“For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink, I was a stranger, and you welcomed me, I was naked, and you clothed me, I was sick, and you visited me, I was in prison, and you came to me.” - Mathew 25:35 – 36

Willis Junior High School 

Redemption Church Gilbert helps answer the needs of its local Title 1 Program School – Willis Junior High School. As stated on its website, the church is honored to partner with this institution. 

Willis Junior High School is just a few miles from the church’s campus. Redemption Church Gilbert partners with the school by giving additional resources to help the school and students belonging to low–income families. 

The church provides support through tangible ways that equip learners to perform well academically. Redemption Church Gilbert makes the students feel loved and valued through the support it provides. 

About Redemption Church Gilbert 

As per its Facebook page, this faith community identifies itself as the Gilbert congregation of Redemption Church. It is a local community that desires to honor Jesus in all of life. 

It is a non–denominational church located at 1820 W Elliot Rd., Gilbert. It believes that all of life is all for Jesus. Furthermore, this church is one of the multiple unique local congregations across Arizona that make up Redemption Church Gilbert. 

According to its website, a team of local elders and staff leads each Redemption Church congregation. Then, a Leadership Team oversees the unified Redemption body (all congregations).


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