River of Life Church hosts men's retreat with Dr. Don Davis

Dr. Don Davis from World Impact Ministries spoke at River of Life Church’s retreat for men. (Photo taken from the River of Life Church’s Facebook page)

River of Life Church reached out to its male members through the Men’s Retreat that was held from Friday to Saturday, Sept. 23 to 24, at Bergamo Center.

The church’s Facebook page noted that Dr. Don Davis from World Impact Ministries led the weekend getaway for men.

Who is Dr. Don Davis

According to the World Impact Ministries website, Davis and his wife, Beth, have served at World Impact since 1975. They are working with ministers in the community, as added on the website.

As further noted, Davis became the Director of World Impact, Wichita, after five years of joining the organization. He was also appointed as the Vice President of Education that same year, as explained on the website.

Moreover, they mentioned that he worked in shepherding ministries as a church planter, assistant, and lead pastor.

The website added that he graduated “summa cum laude” with his bachelor's and master’s degrees in Biblical Studies and Systematic Theology. He studies at Wheaton College and Wheaton Graduate School, as the website mentioned.

Besides, he completed his Doctor of Philosophy in Religion at the University of Iowa School of Religion in 2000.

World Impact Ministries

The organization’s homepage emphasized that most leaders are having difficulties sustaining the impact of their ministry, particularly in the city. The World Impact Ministries revealed that these leaders do not have the appropriate training they need.

The website stressed that 95% of church leaders did not undergo formal training for the ministry. They acknowledged that these leaders are passionate. They do not have enough training to deal with the obstacles in ministering to the people in the urban areas.

They highlighted that their five primary programs could guide leaders. These programs could help them establish vibrant churches. 

They added that their programs could also assist people, families, and communities in improving.

Training is non-negotiable.

According to the same website, the problem for church leaders is that the training intended for urban work is not offered in a normal seminary. They added that to be an effective leader, training and equipping are non-negotiable.

Otherwise, not having enough training could lead local church leaders depressed and tired. The World Impact Ministries thinks that these leaders deserve available, cheap, and quality training. So, they could build healthy churches in poor neighborhoods.

As part of the organization’s mission, they assist shepherds and servants worldwide. They said that they are giving training to change their ministry and their communities.

They understand that these leaders want to share the Gospel despite not having formal theological training. The organization said they see their desire to build healthy sanctuaries. These churches could assist people, families, and communities.

Church’s Core Values

Meanwhile, the church’s website emphasized that they center its values on Biblical teachings. The River of Life Church added that they value being compassionate in helping the poor. They highlighted that their members are comprised of various cultures.

Moreover, River of Life Church noted that they give importance to the spiritual and learning development of the kids. They said that prayer is one of the essential values they practice.

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