The Missio Dei Church to host Gathering Teams Summit

The Missio Dei Church will hold its Gathering Team Summit for fellowship and training. (Photo taken from the official website of Missio Dei Church)

The Missio Dei Church will host its gathering team summit on Saturday, Jan. 28.

The church’s website noted that the programs are gatherings for worship to prepare God’s people to send for the mission. They noted that Pastor Ronnie Martin would discuss how gathering teams could give glory to Lord Jesus Christ.

Gathering Team Summit

According to the same website, each gathering team has a vital role in proclaiming the message. The church said that the group for facilities demonstrates God’s care for creation. Then the hospitality team members show how God welcomes His people, as noted on the website.

In addition, the church emphasized that each group has its part in showing God’s continual presence among His people. Therefore, they stated that they must understand their role and be equipped with the vision.

More importantly, The Misso Dei Church invited its members to use this event to demonstrate the gospel's beauty through their gatherings. 

Group Connection

The Group section at The Missio Dei Church mentioned that they have a diverse team of disciple-making missionaries who live out the life of Jesus together. They seek to go out throughout the city to live on a mission. They desire to give glory to God and for the good of others, as noted on the website.

Moreover, the website emphasized that the church believes God called them missionaries. They simplified their goal to “go and tell,” as revealed on the website. 

They added that God called them to be involved in culture through meaningful relationships with the hope of the gospel. The members learn about other cultures and live on their terms to demonstrate their love for people.

In addition, they noted that they are not ashamed of proclaiming the gospel, which redeemed them.

More importantly, they emphasized that they are on a mission in the places they live, work, and play. Missio Dei Church members work with God to see people having a reconciliation with their connection with Him. 

Learning, Belongingness

As further explained, Missio Dei Church believes they are made to become a part of a community. They noted that isolation steals them from the beautiful and joy-filled gifts God has given them to enjoy.

Besides, the website highlighted that people need a place to learn about God, themselves, and the people around them. They pointed out that as a learner, they continuously know more about God and how His Gospel impacts and applies to their lives daily. 

About Ronnie Martin

According to Ronnie Martin's website, Martin is a songwriter and a recording artist. They added that he also writes a book and serves as the Lead Pastor of Substance Church. 

Moreover, he has been allowed to deliver talks and sermons around the country on various topics. These concepts include theology, pastoral ministry, small-town pastoring, worship, and Christian living. 

In addition, they noted that he finished his master's degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. The website added that he is currently completing his DMin at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

More importantly, the website emphasized that Martin is the Director of Leader Renewal for Harbor Network, where he collaborates with church planters and pastors in aspects of pastoral care.


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