Revive City Church to join Dehli Christmas Parade

Revie City Church invited its members to participate in the Dehli Christmas Parade to help them introduce the church to the community. (Photo taken from the official website of Revive City Church)

Revive City Church will join the Dehli Christmas Parade on Saturday, Dec. 3, at St. Dominic Church.

The church’s announcement mentioned that the event would be an excellent opportunity to introduce the church to the community.

The members would walk to Anderson Ferry Rd, as noted on the website. 

About Delhi

According to the Delhi website, Delhi Township has 29,510 residents in Southwest Ohio’s Hamilton County. As further explained, the suburban community was built in 1789 and was a rural neighborhood until after World War II. 

The website revealed that the Township was regarded as the Floral Paradise of Ohio. This event happened when its landscape was dotted with greenhouses. As further explained, these greenhouses were the primary source of the country’s carnation stock. 

Moreover, they mentioned that Delhi had a lot of changes from a pastoral, agricultural community into a silent bedroom community since World War II. As added on the website, they have become a community focusing on neighborhood and family.

In addition, the website noted that homeowners rule Delhi Township. They added that there are elect three-member Board of Trustees to authorize policies. Also, along with the Township Fiscal Officer, the board serves four-year terms, as the website explains.

Community Wellness at Delhi

In another section, Delhi Township, Ohio, noted that they have partnered with the We Thrive organization to make a culture of better health, security, and vitality in the community. 

Besides, they noted that We Thrive is an organization aiming to make Hamilton County neighborhoods healthier venues to live, work, and play. 

In addition, the website noted that Delhi Township had recently finished its Community Health Evaluation, which offers detailed information about the well-being of its community. 

Revive City’s Priorities

Meanwhile, the church’s vision section emphasized that Revive City is focused on reaching out to the lost and training those who believe in Jesus. They explained that they want to help people use their full potential by focusing on ministering to them. 

Moreover, they stated that the church also prioritized their community. They believe that belonging to a church is being a part of a family. At Revive City Church, they strive to have genuine relationships because they think that it is their way to disciple people. 

In addition, the website said that the church centers its mission on being generous. They emphasized that as God gives, they should also give to others. They explained that church members do not live based on what they do not have but on God’s providence. 

Plan of Revive City Church

The same website stressed that they desire to witness people knowing Jesus and belonging to a community. They added that Revive City Church wants them to experience transformation and understand their purpose. 

The church explained that by making a venue where individuals could find help and meet new friends, they could impact the world. The church plans to provide a place where they can mature in their faith, as mentioned on the website. 

At Revive City Church, they believe that if individuals encounter and obey Jesus, their world transforms, and they can change the world.


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