Central West End Church, Centennial Christian Church distribute food bags to homeless neighbors

Central West End Church and Centennial Christian Church partnered to distribute food bags to their homeless neighbors. (Photo taken from Central West End Church’s website)

Central West End Church(CWE) partnered with the Centennial Christian Church (CCC) for their Neighbor’s Keeper ministry, giving out 50 to 100 bags of non-perishable food items and fresh sandwiches to the homeless in the city on Friday, March 17.

The church’s website noted that they prepare these bags on the third Friday of the month and distribute them on the third Saturday. 

They explained that they would have supplies and food items ready for them. 


In another section, CWE noted that they desire to witness a city transformed by the gospel. They want to see a new town with spiritual, social, and cultural change, as added on the website. 

The church believes that one way to demonstrate their faith is by serving the community around them. They added that they could accomplish their mission by working with other groups or churches. 

One of the church’s partners is the Washington Montessori. The website revealed that they have been collaborating for several years. The church holds “work days” monthly to help them maintain an “outdoor classroom.”

They said they are complete with raised garden beds and areas for students to find quiet. 

Moreover, the church encouraged its members to support their partners by donating. They said they could visit the Amazon Wish list they made to keep the school with much-needed supplies. 

More importantly, the CWE pointed out that they join CCC once a month to prepare and give out food bags to their unsheltered neighbors.

Central West End Church’s Vision

The CWE’s Vision webpage emphasized that the church wants to witness the renewal of the city through the power of the gospel. They explained that they desire spiritual renewal, where the gospel deals with people's deepest sins, pains, and spiritual distortions. 

As further discussed, they seek to reorder the people's hearts so God could be their center again. 

In addition, CWE envisions social redemption. They believe that the gospel could cure the social wounds of their communities. Also, they know that it could unite diverse people through the love of Jesus. 

Moreover, as explained on the website, the gospel could train them to leverage their tools for the common good, particularly the most marginalized people in society. 

Besides, the website pointed out that cultural renewal is part of the church’s vision. They said that culture shapes the world, such as art, business, medicine, etc.

They emphasized that the gospel could renew the culture by giving them a new story to demonstrate in their homes, vocations, and community.

Centennial Christian Church’s Affordable Housing Ministry

Meanwhile, CCC’S website highlighted its Affordable Housing Ministry, where they pioneered the Centennial Plaza Apartments. They explained that it is the church’s first affordable housing for older people.

The website revealed that Rev. Dr. Samuel Hylton, A. Jeanette White, and other church members partnered with The National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to create affordable housing for low-income senior citizens. 

According to them, they named both Hylton Point apartments in honor of Pastor Emeritus Samuel Hylton, Jr.


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